Deena Small

Deena J. Small, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Chemistry


Peter and Cecile Morgane Hall 204
Biddeford Campus
Eligible for Student Opportunities

   Dr. Deena J. Small teaches lecture and laboratory courses in Biochemistry.  Dr. 斯莫尔教授有超过15年的经验,在正式的讲座和实验室环境中教授本科生生化概念和方法.  她的课程内容反映了她对代谢和信号转导研究的兴趣和专长.  Dr. 斯莫尔还将以研究为基础的方法整合到她的实验课程中,为正规澳门赌场网络的本科生提供了利用现代生化和分子技术开发研究问题的机会.  UNE undergraduates engaged in course and individual, mentored research projects conduct studies that reflect Dr. Small的研究兴趣是破译Jagged1/Notch和FGF/FGFR信号系统在脂肪细胞和组织中脂肪生成和代谢调节中的作用.  In addition, 她最近扩大了对FGF1/FGFR信号的研究,包括与大脑发育和神经递质产生相关的问题.  Finally, 她的研究利用小鼠细胞培养和斑马鱼模型系统来研究暴露于环境化学物质如多溴二苯醚和全氟辛酸对代谢和神经发育的影响. 




Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Maine, Orono
B.S., Biochemistry
University of Maine, Orono


  • Animal behavior
  • Biochemistry
  • Dopamine
  • Laboratory techniques
  • Metabolism

Post-Doctoral Training

Post-Doctoral Training, Biochemical Studies in Molecular Medicine


Current research

我实验室的研究主要集中在研究控制脂肪形成(脂肪细胞分化)和成骨形成(骨细胞分化)的分子机制。. 实验室的主要重点是定义暴露于激素(如胰岛素)的间充质干细胞中Jagged1/Notch和FGF/FGFR信号网络之间发生的相互作用介导的信号事件.  第二个也是最近的研究领域围绕着了解多溴联苯醚(PBDE)如何, a common flame retardant found in upholstery, carpeting, electronics and other household goods, 改变培养细胞和动物(小鼠)模型的成脂和成骨程序.  As a biochemist/molecular biologist, my studies are aimed at untangling the protein/protein, 在这些过程中发生的受体/配体和蛋白质/DNA相互作用. In addition,physiological outcomes, including changes in metabolism and hormone production, are also evaluated using in vivo rodent models. 因为白色脂肪组织既是高能量脂质的能量储存库,也是内分泌系统ÒorganÓ,分泌对新陈代谢和其他生理过程很重要的激素, 肥胖等肥胖异常状态是胰岛素抵抗综合征(代谢综合征和非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病)和其他病理状况发展的高风险因素,这并不奇怪. In addition, 我们还发现多溴二苯醚暴露可能会导致骨细胞发育问题并导致骨质疏松症. Since my research is Biomedical in nature, 我为这些研究寻求的主要资助机制是通过美国国立卫生研究院和美国心脏协会.

In addition to my research, 我还参与了拓展中学化学和生物课堂的工作. 我目前正在开发一个互动网站与桑福德,缅因州中学科学系,将促进学生在我的实验室和桑福德教室之间的互动. 这种拓展也为有兴趣在桑福德学校系统和/或网站工作的本科生提供了独立学习的机会. Funding for this outreach is being sought through the NSF and Honda Corporation.

Selected publications

Complete List of Published Work in NCBI My Bibliography: 
Publications since 2019
*Corresponding Author.
A. Deveau, Y. Wang and Deena J. Small.  “新冠肺炎疫情期间有机与生物化学本科课程化研究的思考”.  2020. Journal of Chemical Education.
Edwards CM, Small D, Bell T, David-Drori J, Hansen C, Morris-Schaffer K, Canale C, Ng J, Markowski,VP.  “出生后早期接触十溴联苯醚可降低幼年小鼠齿状回甲状腺激素和星形胶质细胞密度.” Physiol Behav. 2020 Mar 15;216:112798. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.112798. Epub 2020 Jan 9. PMID:31926943
Keeley, T., Kirov, A., Koh, W.Y., Demambro, V., Bergquist, I., Archer, J.L., Caradonna, P., Siviski,M.E., Best, B.m, Henderson, T., Hernandez, A., Rosen, C.J. , Liaw, L., Prudovsky, I., and Small, D.J*.  表达内皮细胞特异性成纤维细胞生长因子1转基因的小鼠对内脏肥胖的抵抗与运动活动增加有关.  2019 Physiological Reports
Markowski, V.P., Miller-Rhodes, P., Cheung, R., Goeke, C., Pecoraro, V., Cohen, G., Small, D.J “Motor deficits, impaired response inhibition, 新生儿接触十溴联苯醚后对哌甲酯的反应减弱. 2017 Neurotoxicology and Teratology,  Sep; 63:51-59. doi:10.1016/ Epub 2017 Jul 29.
Markowski, V.P., Miller-Rhodes, P., Cheung, R., Goeke, C., Pecoraro, V., Cohen, G., Small, D.J “Motor deficits, impaired response inhibition, 新生儿接触十溴联苯醚后对哌甲酯的反应减弱. 2017 Neurotoxicology and Teratology,  Sep; 63:51-59. doi:10.1016/ Epub 2017 Jul 29.

Other scholarly activity

Oral presentation: October, 2009. American Chemical Society , Hartford, Connecticut. ÒAffect of PBDE Flame retardants on Adipogenesis and OsteogenesisÓ

Poster presentation: December 2010.
American Society for Cell Biology, Philadelphia, P

Funded grants

(i).  Maine Technology Institute Techstart Award. “Market Analysis for Aquatic Toxicology Awards”. $5,000. Submitted February 4, 2014. Status: Awarded, period from March 1, 2014-September 30, 2014. $5000.00; Role: Principal Investigator

(ii). American Heart Association, 11GRNT5870003 $198,000 (direct and Indirect, total) or a 3 year period (Jul1 1, 2011- June 30, Jagged1/Notch:FGF2/FGFR信号轴对脂肪组织血管生成的调控.  Role: Principal Investigator

(III).  NIEHS; 多溴联苯醚阻燃剂对成骨的影响 $196.701 Direct and Indirect. Role: Principal Investigator


Research interests

研究兴趣包括使用转基因小鼠模型和细胞培养来破译Jagged1/Notch和FGF/FGFR信号系统在脂肪细胞和组织中脂肪形成和代谢的调节中的作用. In addition, studies on FGF1/FGFR signaling include questions related to brain development, neurotransmitter production. Finally, toxicological studies utilizing both murine, cell culture, 和斑马鱼模型系统研究环境化学物质如多溴二苯醚和全氟辛酸对脂肪的影响, bone, metabolism and neurological development.

Research topics

Transcriptional Regulation
Transgenic Mice